Offbeat Eats
Food Festival Branding

Vibrant, in-your-face brand design for a food festival that’s NOT for the faint of stomach.


Offbeat Eats Food Festival




Brand Design

I designed this vibrant, colorful branding for Offbeat Eats, a food festival showcasing experimental, up & coming restaurants and food products. Just be warned: They’re NOT for the faint of stomach.

This project was created as part of the course "Experiencing Brands Through Interaction Design" at the School of Visual Arts.

All photography is from Unsplash and FoodiesFeed. Photographer credits: Adrien Olichon, Elena Koycheva, Pulsitos, Shaun Meintjes, Toa Heftiba, and Jakub Kapusnak

Offbeat Eats logo
Offbeat Eats Instagram grid of 9 posts next to an iPhone mockup of the Offbeat Eats Instagram Profile


Offbeat Eats caters to Gen Z / Millennial foodies in the San Francisco Bay Area. You know, the Yelp Elite / Instagram food influencer type. They’re both adventurous eaters and conscientious foodies. These customers care a lot about sustainability, locality, and diversity!

Offbeat Eats Food Festival meets this need by showcasing innovative, experimental foods while highlighting up-and-coming food businesses. Supporting local businesses & their delicious food? It’s a win-win.

Offbeat Eats Food Festival website homepage with event description, date and location, featured restaurants and food products, and vendor applications
2 illustrated iPhone mockups of Offbeat Eats Instagram Stories. The green one is a general advertisement and the pink one is a callout for vendors.


The direction for this brand highlights the restaurants and food brands that are pushing the envelope in the culinary scene.
The vibrant colors, bold photography, and dynamic typography bring to mind the innovative cuisines and products that are being showcased in the festival.
The branding of this food festival aims to be experimental and out-of-the-box without being stuffy and elitist.

Grid of four different iterations of the Offbeat Eats logo and favicon
Offbeat Eats typography. Acumin Pro Extra Condensed. Headline text is Acumin Pro Extra Condensed Ultra Black Italic. Body copy is Acumin Pro Wide medium, with bolded text callouts in Acumin Pro Condensed Black Italic.
Offbeat Eats color palette: lime (bright green), charcoal (dark gray), sprinkles (pink), lemon (yellow), cream, mandarin (orange), sriracha (red)